School Uniform

At the Highfield schools our children wear a school uniform as we believe it promotes a sense of pride and belonging. It is practical and smart and designed to minimise any distractions to learning.

To support this, please ensure that you adhere to our Uniform Policy.

School Uniform Policy

To reduce risk of lost items please also ensure all of your child’s belongings are clearly named and encourage them to put their belongings away when not being used.

Your School Uniform : Marks & Spencer ( now supply uniform for both Highfield Infants' and Junior Schools with our new joint schools' logo.  Please note children can continue to wear uniform with the old logos (duck and owl) until it wears out.

Good quality second hand uniform is also available from our PTA via their website

If you have any queries about school uniform please contact the school office.

Contact UsMarks and Spencer Your School Uniform